Mon-Thurs. 9AM-6PM
(541) 223-7745
50219 US-101 Suite C, Bandon, OR 97411

Hacktivists Say Hello

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month – learn more from   Last Friday you may have noticed something was afoot with the internet. The largest, full scale cyber attack ever launched was underway and the main target was the United States, affecting millions of users across the continent, then spreading beyond to Europe and Australia. […]
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Tip # 6 – Fine tooth comb

Continuing from yesterdays post Tip # 5 – Maintain your systems. Update update update we are going to segue into another important security task – monitoring. Let’s explain the term monitor: in this context, to monitor means to actively watch on a 24/7/365 basis all software and hardware.  From a security standpoint monitoring the services, processes […]
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Tip # 2 – Stop using Internet Explorer

  CERT (United States Computer Readiness Team) has on more than one occasion released the following information to system administrators and the general public:  Stop using Internet Explorer. Why? What’s wrong with the big blue E?  Security issues.  While IE is down to 23% of market share, it still leads in vulnerabilities.  Reports of bugs, […]
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Study: 43% of companies had data breaches in past year

An annual study of on data breach preparedness by the Ponemon Institute has found that 43% of companies have experienced a data breach within the last year, up 10% from the year before. Despite the rise in breaches in 2014, 27% of companies did not have a data breach response plan in place. The survey was conducted […]
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Have you been Targeted?

Today Target began sending out the obligatory “we’re sorry” emails to the estimated 110 million (up from the original 40 million) customers that have been affected by the security compromise in November and December 2013. A quick recap of what happened (in case you’ve been under a rock).  Hackers gained access to Target’s database of […]
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Security Recommendation – MalwareBytes

Due to increased malware / virus / trojan activity, and specifically some ransomeware named Cryptolocker, we are now strongly advising all clients to purchase MalwareBytes Professional for all Windows based computers that attach to your networks. MalwareBytes Professional (at this time) is the only product that is catching and stopping this particularly hideous program. A […]
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JAVA Security Alert – Suggested to disable until updated

Due to new found security vulnerabilities in JAVA, and with a patch not coming out until at least this coming Tuesday the Department of Homeland Security along with the majority of anti-virus companies are recommending disabling the software until the security update is available. Apparently the security issue in question makes the web browser vulnerable to virus / trojan infected websites […]
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